Download Idle Python Mac

  1. Idle Python 3.7
  2. Download Idle Python Mac Install
  3. Download Idle Python Mac Tutorial

In this article, we will explain “How to Update Python on Mac?”. Updating Python on your MacBook Pro or iMac can be a tedious process. You need knowledge of terminal on macOS which is different from Windows cmd.exe. Here is a detailed article on how to upgrade Python on your mac.


Python is a popular programming language that is widely used by developers. Modern versions of macOS support Python 2.7.x (or Python 2.6.1 in older versions), but many users need to upgrade to Python 3.6 or 3.7.

You may like “macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Installing Problem – Here’s How to Fix It“.

Here are different methods to Update Python on your Mac

This video shows how to use Python IDLE on Mac OS X in interactive mode as well as to create python programs that can be saved to disk and run. Idle - Python's own little editor, has some nice features, but also some major problems. I've personally found it too unstable for my usage. Sublime Text - This is really sweet text editor that has some surprisingly good Python support. Pycharm - Another solid full on IDE for Python. Nov 03, 2020 4.1.1. How to run a Python script¶. Your best way to get started with Python on Mac OS X is through the IDLE integrated development environment, see section The IDE and use the Help menu when the IDE is running.

One can install Python without using the terminal on MacBook Air or Mac. For this, you need to download the Python installer from the website. Follow the steps below:

  • Visit and download the latest available Python 3 installer file.
  • Run the downloaded file and install Python 3.x on your macOS.
  • After completing the installation process, Python 3 will be installed.
  • You can see the Python3 folder in /Applications on your Mac. You can also see IDLE in the /Applications.

How to Install Python with Homebrew

Before proceeding installation with Homebrew, it should be installed on your MacBook Pro. If you don’t have Homebrew on your system, you can download it from here. This script installs Homebrew to /user/local so that you don’t need “sudo” when you brew install.

To install python via HomeBrew, Follow these steps below:

Run the following command in Terminal:


When Python 3 is installed on your Mac, you can start the program with:

How to Know the Installed Version of Python

Open the Terminal on your macOS by typing terminal in Spotlight Search. Then use the following command:


In most cases, Python 2.7.x will be installed on macOS. After installing Python update, you can check the version with the following command:

Note: Just a reminder, you don’t need to remove Python 2.x or update it from 2.x to 3 in your macOS. You just install the updated version, both versions of Python can coexist without any error. These are the most simple techniques to “How to Update Python on Mac?”.

See Also

The Python IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment) editor is a graphical user interface for Python development. This GUI is free and installed automatically during the Python installation. It enables you to edit, run, and debug Python programs in a simple GUI environment.

IDLE is actually a Python program that uses the standard library’s tkinterGUI toolkit to build its windows. It is portable and can be run on all major platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. It supports the following features:

  • command history and syntax colorization
  • auto-indent and unindent for Python code
  • word auto-completion
  • support for multiple windows
  • integrated debugger

The Python IDLE is usually present as an entry in the Start button menu in Windows 7. In Windows 8, you can run it by typing IDLE from the Start menu. Once started, it will display some useful information about the Python version and the operating system:

You can write your code after the >>> prompt and it will be executed when you press Enter:

Although the shell window is useful for executing one-line commands, you will not use it to write full-fledged programs. Instead, Python IDLE comes with its own built-in text editor that you can use to write and save your code. You can start the editor by selecting File > New File:

This opens up a window where you can type your code:

Before running your code, you will need to save it in a file (File > Save). Make sure that the file has the .py extension:

To run your code, click Run > Run Module (or press F5):

The result will be printed in the IDLE shell window:

Notice how the result of our program was displayed after the RESTART line.

Ide Python IDLE is usually used by novice programmers. Later in your programming career, you will probably work with more powerful and robust tools, such as Eclipse or

Idle Python 3.7

  • Interactive prompt
  • Download Idle Python Mac Install

  • Command line
  • Download Idle Python Mac Tutorial